Solange Peters

Solange Peters, ESMO President, for World Cancer Day 2020

#women4onco with Solange Peters

L'invité de la rédaction - Solange Peters

New Frontiers in Oncology: Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics | Dr. Solange Peters

Solange Peters vision and perspectives on ESMO Women for Oncology

ESMO Congress 2021: Prof. Solange Peters on what is special about the congress

Solange Peters, ESMO President, for World Cancer Day 2021

Solange Peters - Lugano, 21 giugno 2019

WCLC 2022 Highlights: Prof. Solange Peters, CHUV, Lausanne & President, European Society for Med...

Dr Solange Peters Talk Q & A

Interview with Prof. Solange Peters on the ESMO Plenaries 1 of 4

Researcher comment: Take-home messages from the CheckMate 227 trial | Solange Peters

Developments in biomarkers and immune-oncology combinations – Solange Peters

Solange Peters, CHUV Lausanne:

The immunotherapy NSCLC revolution

Solange Peters: Lung Cancer Highlights from ESMO 2019

The role of immunotherapy in the radical treatment of NSCLC: where are we headed?

ESMO 2022: Highlights from the Presidential Symposium

Solange Peters, ESMO 2014 Press Officer, Lausanne, Switzerland

The open questions surrounding immunotherapy and targeted therapy in lung cancer

Lecture Solange Peters

Solange Peters, ESMO 2014 Press Officer

Solange Peters' Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor combinations'